Exercise, Fitness, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Lifestyle tips, Motivation, Workout tips

#TheKaylaMovement or #Sweat12wc (BBG 12week challenge) is over. Now what?

A lot of you might know that I started my fitness journey by starting bikini body guide (BBG) 12 weeks challenge (#Sweat12wc) in January 2017 with thousands of other women across the globe. The motivation, energy and accountability that you get through this community is just AHMAAAAZING! It is exactly what a person who is starting a fitness journey needs! I will not lie to you but I felt a bit too overwhelmed at times because I thought I should be doing sooo many things to get fit, which I realize now is NOT true!

My beginning was no different- I started with minimal equipments, minimal workout clothes and a desire to at least finish the 12 weeks. I could hardly imagine in January that I would make it to March end with this program provided I was super sore for the first few weeks straight! But with all the support from my husband and the BBG community, I finished the first 12 weeks!🙈💪🏻 I couldn’t have been more proud of myself!

Honestly, I started with an intention of getting chiseled abs by the end of March. I did see some definition but not a lot. So, I thought why not give it a year and see where I am. And that is exactly what has made all the difference- the CONSISTENCY!

Any fitness/health program that you choose requires PATIENCE and COMMITMENT! So, if you liked BBG, I will highlight a couple of things you can try after finishing the first 12weeks of BBG here.

1. Continue with BBG – Since you have already tried the first twelve weeks, you pretty much know what to expect from BBG 2.0 (13-24 weeks). Right? Wrong! Kayla Itsines likes to surprise you with a whole lot of compound movements in BBG 2.0. Of course the basics will still be the same, but you can increase the weights, or challenge yourself with more challenges and optional workouts, HIIT trainings etc.


2. Try PWR by Kelsey Wells – If you love to get stronger and toned using gym-based workouts that incorporate weights, this is an ideal program for you! It is available on sweat app and is used by a lot of women now. It is a hypertrophy training based workout. Hypertrophy training is a style of resistance training designed to help increase lean muscle and overall strength. You can read a FAQ by Kelsey Wells herself by her PWR program here. If you want to try PWR before starting, Kelsey posts a lot of workout videos on her Instagram (and tips to help with the form) that you can try. She is also and amazing woman and a self-love advocate! I honestly love her posts!💗


3. Try BBG stronger – This is a more gym-based workout for women who like Kayla’s style of training but also want to make more out of their gym membership. Kayla likes to use a lot of gym equipment in this and mix it up with plyometric training circuits to keep your heart rate up and make you sweat! #DeathByKayla


4. Try Alexia Clark’s workout – I have seen a lot of women who began their fitness journeys with BBG moving to #QueenTeam or AC’s team. The program itself is very flexible because you can choose to workout at home or gym and the amount of time you have (30 or 60 minutes). The workouts involve a whole lot of compound movements using only resistance bands and weights. Believe me when I say this, these workouts are tough and are sure to give you that burn! You can follow Alexia on Instagram where she posts her daily workouts on her stories and make an informed decision if her style fits yours!


5. Try Sarah’s Day workout – This is another amazing program based on plyometric style training. (I have not tried it myself, but definitely heard a lot of good things!) Sarah’s ‘Sweat it to shred it’ ebook was launched last May and I have seen a lot of BBG girls mixing up their workouts with this one. Sarah likes to mix up her workout style with ballet, HIIT and other fun things! She has these amazing 15 mins home workouts if you are busy but still wanna break a sweat! One bright side to this program is that you can do it from home, park or a gym! #WinWin

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6. Try a mix of yoga, pilates, spinning – If you are a person who easily gets bored, or  think weight training is boring AF, you might wanna try yoga or a spin class. You can try a yoga studio nearby or if you are like me, practice yoga at your apartment with Adriene. I love her yoga flows and more so her speed and patience. If you love high intensity cardio style workouts, you can give spin class a try too!


Anyway, there are hundreds of programs that are available online, some are affordable while others are not so budget friendly! Remember that your personal dedication and consistency is what’s gonna make a program work for you! 

Hope this helps 🙂 Good luck! YOU GOT THIS!



1 thought on “#TheKaylaMovement or #Sweat12wc (BBG 12week challenge) is over. Now what?”

  1. Hi there.. Thanks for the information consolidated in one article..May I check with you what did you do after completing 12 weeks of bbg. And your own personal journey of laat 1 year.


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